Ongoing Yield Boost

After the initial 5-day period, users can continue to benefit from Yield Boost by maintaining a sufficient USDT balance, allowing for a sustainable approach to maximizing returns:

Daily Deduction for Acceleration

  • Automatic Process: For a staked amount of 10,000 USDT, approximately 0.28% or in this case, 28 USDT is required daily for Yield Boost . This amount is automatically deducted from the daily yield, ensuring continued enhanced earnings without manual intervention.

  • Continuous Earnings Maximization: The automatic deduction process ensures that users consistently benefit from Yield Boost, maximizing their returns over time.

Impact of Insufficient Yield

  • Adjustment in Earnings: If the daily yield is insufficient to cover the Yield Boost subscription, the user's daily earnings will be adjusted to reflect the lack of Yield Boost, resulting in reduced returns.

  • Importance of Balance Management: It’s important for users to manage their USDT balance effectively to sustain the higher yield provided by Yield Boost.

Benefits of Sustaining Acceleration

  • Increased Long-Term Returns: By maintaining a sufficient balance for Yield Boost, users can achieve increased long-term returns, optimizing their investment strategy and maximizing the benefits of AIDav2's features.

  • Strategic Planning: Users are encouraged to strategically plan their withdrawals and reinvestments to maintain the necessary balance for ongoing acceleration benefits.

Last updated